Coming this fall — new teaching format!


Hello, dear readers.  I'm back from Fire Island, where, as planned, I did nothing much other than rest and take the dogs for romps on the beach. 

I figured that something productive would come of leaving my brain free to romp unleashed as well for a few days. . .and I was right.

Towards the end of our time in the Pines, during that delicious half-conscious state following a lazy afternoon nap, a stunningly constructive idea popped into my head: I will start teaching in GROUPS!  Both Alexander Technique and voice!

My neurons must have arranged themselves to form this idea after unconscious contemplation of several recent and rewarding group learning experiences I've had, in both the teacher and student roles.  There are many reasons that learning in a group environment is valuable — here are 10 random ones:


  1. You learn not only by experiencing, but by watching others.

  2. You get time to integrate between intensive learning moments.

  3. You get more learning time for your money.

  4. You can more easily observe changes in others than in yourself.

  5. You get practice performing in front of others.

  6. You get feedback from a variety of observers.

  7. You meet other like-minded people.

  8. By expanding your learning contexts, you deepen your learning.

  9. You sharpen your observation and hearing skills.

  10. You enjoy fellowship and camaraderie.

So. . .starting after Labor Day, I will be adding 6 small-group classes to my weekly teaching schedule.  Each class will be limited to 4 participants to maximize your "hands-on" time with me.  Some classes will be dedicated to Alexander Technique and some to voice.  In the voice classes, we'll explore vocal technique, performing issues, and repertoire.

You'll be able to try your first class at no cost.  Then you can decide if you'd like to switch completely to the group format or to supplement your private lessons with some classes.  I'll be sending out information about pricing and scheduling towards the end of August.  If you have any requests for topics or particular times, you could email me or comment to this post.